My second chair role is a little different than most. My title is: Associate Pastor of Ministry Development. My charge is to "make all ministries better!" The great thing about my position is that it is very broad and undefined. The bad thing about my position is that it is very broad and undefined! Techinally, I am not responsible for any specific area of ministry but am to work as a coach or consultant with several different ministry team leaders helping them to improve their ministry effectiveness. The challenge comes in helping to shape these ministries while not actually being in charge of any of them. How do I (and my boss) evaluate my effectiveness? Am I to identify areas that could be improved? Present models for more effective ministries? Persuade leaders to embrace these models? Or is it enough just to try? I mean, we are a volunteer organization. What if the the head usher believes his team is doing well and doesn't need to change? Or the small group leaders just say "no" to the Activate model we are shifting toward (see the April 6 post)?
My sr. pastor and I had an interesting conversation the other day. Along with my duties I lead a small group, teach a class on Sundays, and lead a men's small group during the week. My sr. asked me if those activities (specifically the men's group) were the "best use of my time?" It was a good question. I like teaching and as a pastor I should be teaching - shouldn't I? Does leading these classes/groups maximize my ability to fulfill my charge? Here's the dilema: Can I be an effective second chair leader without a "public" ministry? Every other staff member has a group of people they lead and stand before at least weekly - especially on Sunday mornings. Why should I be any different? Is it enough for me to coach our greeter/ushers/welcome desk people for our three services making sure that everyone is equipped and prepared to care for visitors and guests, that our space is expanded between services, and that the offerings are securely placed in the safe?
At my ordination years ago I used Ephesians 4.12 as my charge for ministry: "...to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ." My second chair role is ideal for fulfilling this charge to equip others for minstry. So part of the answer to my sr.'s question is to detemine whether or not those specific groups that I lead are actually "equipping" others to do the ministry of the church. If they are studies unto themselves, probably not. If they are specifially designed to train and equip then there is a greater likelihood that they would contribute to my specific calling.
I appreciate that my sr. is watching out for me. He's trying to protect me from falling into a trap of busynesss that may not produce the spiritual results that the church and I desire to see. I would appreciate your input as I take time to evaluate my ministry activities -not to determine their value, but to determine if they are allowing for maximum impact for the ministries of the church.
My sr. pastor and I had an interesting conversation the other day. Along with my duties I lead a small group, teach a class on Sundays, and lead a men's small group during the week. My sr. asked me if those activities (specifically the men's group) were the "best use of my time?" It was a good question. I like teaching and as a pastor I should be teaching - shouldn't I? Does leading these classes/groups maximize my ability to fulfill my charge? Here's the dilema: Can I be an effective second chair leader without a "public" ministry? Every other staff member has a group of people they lead and stand before at least weekly - especially on Sunday mornings. Why should I be any different? Is it enough for me to coach our greeter/ushers/welcome desk people for our three services making sure that everyone is equipped and prepared to care for visitors and guests, that our space is expanded between services, and that the offerings are securely placed in the safe?
At my ordination years ago I used Ephesians 4.12 as my charge for ministry: "...to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ." My second chair role is ideal for fulfilling this charge to equip others for minstry. So part of the answer to my sr.'s question is to detemine whether or not those specific groups that I lead are actually "equipping" others to do the ministry of the church. If they are studies unto themselves, probably not. If they are specifially designed to train and equip then there is a greater likelihood that they would contribute to my specific calling.
I appreciate that my sr. is watching out for me. He's trying to protect me from falling into a trap of busynesss that may not produce the spiritual results that the church and I desire to see. I would appreciate your input as I take time to evaluate my ministry activities -not to determine their value, but to determine if they are allowing for maximum impact for the ministries of the church.
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